Saturday, June 30, 2012

Inuvik Info Centre

It seems very popular in the far north to have old planes as wind vanes and after Whitehorse that has the DC3 for their wind vane and now Inuvik has Cessna 140 and when there is a good breeze the prop turns and the plane turns into the wind. This is just outside the Visitor Information Centre.
Inside the Information Centre they had a wonderful display of Arctic animals and above the Mustox which were just about extinct a hundred years ago from over hunting and have been bought back to today and there is now a very sizable herd in the Arctic on Banks Island.
I just wanted to cuddle this Arctic Fox he was so adorable and soft.
The Caribou or Reindeer, with a very large set of antlers, note the one that comes from the right antler and runs down the bridge of the nose.

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