Friday, June 29, 2012

Mackenzie River km 607

72 kms further on across the low  Mackenzie Delta we come to the second of the ferry crossings at the community of Tsiigehtchic (Mouth of the Iron River) which is situated at the confluence of the Arctic Red River and the Mackenzie River. Tsiigehtchic is a Gwich'in community, the name of the First Nation People that have lived on the Delta here for thousands of years.
These grizzle bear tracks were fresh and right beside the ramp to the ferry, we scanned the bushes and area around with the binoculars but did not see it.  On our return trip I was mentioning the foot prints to the crew on the ferry and he said that they had watched the bear swim across the river that day.

We got talking to the two guys on the motor bikes, they were Aussies and bought their bikes in L. A.  had come north through the States, British Columbia and travelling this highway, then the Top of the World Highway and onto Fairbanks and Anchorage.
While crossing  on the ferry we were watching the swallows coming and going from their nests under the superstructure of the upper deck of the ferry.  Now we know were the swallows that build nests in the top of the pilings at the marina at the Kerikeri Cruising Club go in the southern winter.

Our graceful exit off the ferry onto the gravel ramp and road. You can see the equipment for leveling the gravel ramp if and when the river washes it away.

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