Tuesday, June 26, 2012


The machinery on the dredge was huge and it was very hard to get far enough away to take a photo with any perspective in it. Above part of the machinery that worked the bucket conveyor belt and below part of the 90 foot drum that the rock, gravel and gold were rotated in for the separation process.

The Bridge with the leavers that raised and lowered the bucket arm. The Dredge was all run on electricity.
Some more of the large wheels.  The noise these dredges made must have been terrific and we understand that the four man crew were usually deaf in later life.
Below the smaller rock and gold would be turned out onto these sluice boxes and the screens were made smaller and smaller from left to right. I read somewhere that about every three days the screens and mats were emptied and they retrieved about 50 pounds of gold.

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