Sunday, August 5, 2012

Whitehorse YT

The Tourist Bureau of Yukon and North West Territories each put out a Pass Port so that you can collect stamps from, places of interest around each of the Territories along the roads traveled.  The top one, the Dempster Highway passport, there were eight stamps to be collected along the highway, when full you turned the passport into either of the tourist offices in Dawson City or Inuvik. That entitled you to enter a draw for N.W.T. Diamond, Yukon Gold Nugget, Inuvialuit Art, and other prizes. The Yukon Gold Passport had a total of 34 stamps to be collected and if you collected twenty or more you had a chance to win five troy ounces of Klondike Placer Gold. If you collected ten or more, you had a chance to win two troy ounces of Klondike Placer Gold. It was fun to do and made us visit places we would just have driven by without knowing anything about.  The Northwest Territories award is for crossing the Arctic Circle.

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