Friday, April 17, 2015

China Bound

On the 16 April 2015 we are packed and ready to go on our first visit to China. The journey begins as we fly from Kerikeri to Auckland catching a flight to Sydney then on to Beijing on Air China. It is an 11.5 hour overnight flight, arriving very early on the 17th. First impressions are of a very large, modern and well organized airport. After clearing customs and picking up our luggage we meet our guide, Candy and driver, Yuan who will show us around for the next 4 days.

The Express Highway from the airport to our hotel is our first introduction to driving in China. The traffic is very heavy on an excellent toll highway, but the driving is something to behold! Frequent lane changes, close encounters and driving on the shoulder, paved or otherwise when necessary to pass other vehicles. Most cars on the road are 'up market' and very new models.

Still early in the morning when we arrive at our hotel, very comfortable room with Chinese or Western breakfast included. We enjoyed a breakfast before 'crashing' for a couple of hours sleep. No guided tours were scheduled for we are on our own.

Our afternoon walk sees us exploring the area around our hotel and one of Beijing's major railway stations.

 An extensive fruit and vegetable market with an excellent selection catches our eye.
 A petrol/gas station with a city police officer. Gasoline is about the same price as in Canada, $1.30/liter.
 Various modes of transportation catch our eye, many roads are divided in 3, bus and car traffic, scooters, and the third being bicycles and pedestrians. We needed eyes in the back of our head to keep from being run over!
Part of the walled city still exists with a park adjoining it. Spring is just arriving with the leaves coming out.

 Slightly lost and walking through a very old part of town (a little like a rabbit warren) we find the very busy and impressive Beijing Railway Station. It's Friday afternoon and many people use the rail system to head home, sometimes a very long trip.

A watchful eye is kept by the police on the huge crowds, with several long lines to get into the station. All bags and suitcases are x-rayed  before entering the station.....airport style.
 Inside we get the idea of modern signage and automatic ticket machines.

Back to our hotel and dinner before our first nights sleep in China. We are both excited with the prospect of what the next few days will bring.

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