Friday, April 17, 2015

Crossing the Pacific Ocean to Vancouver

Our day in Russia came to an end as we boarded our 'lighter' for the return to the Celebrity Millennium at anchor. On boarding the ship we were met by Russian Border Officials and our Passports were returned. All passengers were accounted for before the ship upped anchor we started our 8 day passage to Vancouver.

Our route from Petropavlovsk took us North East to the Bering Sea and across the International Date line where we picked up an extra day. From the Bering sea we changed course to South East passing through the Aleutian Islands chain in the early evening. This would be the last land we saw until we reached the West coast of Vancouver Island 5 days later.
Our last full day on board we were anchored off Cordova Bay, Victoria as Agriculture Canada needed to board the ship to spray for any possible Gypsy Moths that may be hitch hiking from Asia. 

 The next morning just after sunrise we were on deck as we entered English Bay. In June 1972 we sailed into English Bay for the first time on the P&O Ship Oriana.
Approaching Stanley Park and the Lions Gate Bridge.
 Do we have enough room to clear under the bridge?
Canada Place Vancouver's Cruise Ship Terminal is our final destination on the trip. Just before docking we are pictured on deck wearing a poppy as we had left N.Z. 10 days before ANZAC Day the 27 th of April.

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