Friday, April 17, 2015

The Great Wall of China

We have a morning tour of the Great Wall at the Juyongguan section stretching 6500 kms from the Pacific Ocean to the sands of Central Asia. It is considered one of the 10 wonders of the world.

Candy's parents don't speak any English but she decides that her father will accompany us on the 'Wall'. With only gestures and sign language we encourage each other and have a terrific day.

 One of the lower level guard houses.
 A 'before' the climb picture! The Great Wall is in the back ground.
 Candy and her father.
Plaque with an explanation of this section of the wall and the supporting village in the valley.
 Early stages of the climb.

 Some steps are shallow, some regular and others very high...with the hand rail at various heights.

 A small shop as we get closer to the top.
 The view is rather restricted today due to smog.
 Crowds are increasing as we get closer to noon. The village is a long way down!
 The village and starting point for our climb.
 An interesting tradition that friends and lovers buy a lock with their inscription and attach it to the chain.

Mind these instructions!

Lunch was at a grand restaurant, with an imposing stairway entrance, several rooms of various sizes that will seat about 1000 guests.

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