Sunday, April 24, 2011

Silver Star

Easter Monday we drove the 15kms up to the Silver Star Resort and ski field. With such a late spring and having had snow twice the previous week down in Vernon the resort had still closed on 31st March and there were very few people about.

Silver Star Resort's architecture is Victorian but painted in very bright colours.

Silver Star cont.

Looking up one of the ski runs.

The amount of snow on the roofs of the buildings on many were about 6 feet high.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Back in Vernon B.C.

Our trip from Kerikeri back to Vernon started Sunday afternoon with Rose and Carl taking us to the Kerikeri Airport to fly to Auckland to catch our 13 hour direct flight to Vancouver. A Vancouver airport visit with Bea and Yvonne before joining our regional flight to Kelowna Airport. Anita met us at the airport, there the roads were dry and spring was on the way. Next morning all had changed with our first views out the window, SNOW had arrived over night! Dutchess is seen in the back yard covered with her winter cover and SNOW beside two 5th wheels, while the crocus were pushing their heads up through the white stuff!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fuel Prices

The day before we left N.Z. to fly back to the West Coast, we thought we should take note of the current fuel prices in Kerikeri. Petrol at 221.9 per liter and Diesel at 170.9 per liter.