Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Signs of winter are not yet over.

 Highway 2 going West from Levenworth takes us through the Cascade range of mountains. Several times we hoped that the snow would stay on the shoulders and not move out onto the highway. A very scenic route to the coast.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Heading south to Washington State

By the end of April the 'Wagon Train' leaves Vernon and travels south in the Okanagan with a stop in Kelowna and dinner with Tony and Ruth. We crossed into Washington and spent a couple of delightful days in the mountain resort town of Levenworth, built in the style of a Bavarian town.

The blue caravan reminds us of our New Zealand caravan, tho this one has much smaller windows and a very different paint job.
 Levenworth is a popular 4 season destination. Bavarian style buildings, cultural events and excellent skiing in season.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The mountains around Vernon

After several sunny days at Anita's the showers arrived over night and we awoke to the surrounding hills being covered in a new dusting of fresh snow....summer isn't here yet!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Silver Star on Easter Weekend

We arrived back in Vernon from New Zealand just a few days before Easter. Dutchess had wintered well and she was up and ready to go in no time. With a clear sunny day on the weekend we drove up to Silver Star only a few Kms out of Vernon. The ski hills were closed for the season but as you can see there was still lots of snow on the hills and in the village.

 The ski hills and tow lifts from the village.