Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Anchorage Skyline

While we were waiting for news on Dutchess's health yesterday we took off in Granny for a drive. We are finding Anchorage very like Vancouver with the high mountains sloping down to the ocean. We drove up to Prospect Heights in the mountains south east of the city to see these views.  Above is looking out over the downtown area and below which is to the left of the city is Anchorage Airport.
Then we drove about 10 miles out to Kincaid Park just to the left of the airport and looked back at the mountains. We have beautiful weather again after about three rainy days. There are a lot of mud flats around Anchorage at low tide and they have a second highest tidal range in North America after the Bay of Fundy between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick at 39 feet.  Yes, that is thirty nine feet. In Vancouver there is a range of about 16 feet and in the Bay of Islands in New Zealand about 6 feet.

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