Monday, July 30, 2012

Helicopter Ride

Anne left around lunch time to take Larry to Anchorage airport to fly up into the Arctic to meet one of his pilots for a flight check and would be gone over night, so Will took us up in a Robertson 44 for a flight up to the Knik Glacier not far out of Wasilla.
Wasilla has many small lakes in and around the town and throughout the valley
Bill knees, toes and ear phones on the left as we fly over the ice.
Glaciers are frozen rivers with the ice grinding the mountain away as they descend down the valleys, it is quite surprising how dirty they look in places. 

Returning to Wolf Lake Airport and coming into land out side of Pollux Aviation's Hanger, Dutchess is parked beside the building.
Robertson 44's  are four passenger helicopters and have racks on each side of the body to carry extra equipment.
Will, our pilot, myself and Bill after the flight.

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