Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Around Dawson City

We took audio (with MP3's) walking tour around the old buildings of Dawson City to get the feel of the town. Above is the rebuilt Palace Grand Theatre, unfortunately the original building was built on the ground and due to the perma frost heaving, buckled in on it's self.  This is an exact replica of the original Palace Grand Theatre.

The Masonic Lodge, one of the most imposing old original buildings still in excellent condition today, the building looks as though it is made of concrete or stone but on close inspection it is of timber frame construction and the facade is tin, the corner moldings are all shaped tin and the red and yellow moldings are wood.

Here you can see a new extension being built on the front of an old building and beside it the next two buildings are leaning into each other with foundation heaving problems.
Lowes Mortuary ... a collection of log cabins one after the other.

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